
Life is a cycle …

Healthy soil produces healthy plants, which in turn are a basis for healthy humans and animals. If the soil has been over-fertilized with chemicals or pesticides, this has not only an impact on the soil environment with its micro-organisms. In some cases these pollutants are also found in the food chain in humans and cause health problems.
Without microbes no life is possible. They combine water and minerals, convert dying into organic matter and new life. In the soil, the microbes digest all waste so that new growth can arise. Plants do not have their own digestion apparatus. The soil is the intestine of the plant. For this, all the nutrients for the plant are made available by the microbes.


“Death is in the intestine,” says people´s mouth. Positively formulated, life goes from the intestine, because it is responsible for a stable immune system. A balanced microbial system ensures that the intestine builds up. This explains why it is important to promote the microbial life in the “digestive tract of the plant” (soil) rather than destroy with pesticides. The microorganisms decompose organic material. Their excreting products are important nutrients for plants and soil. All substances are in the permanent cycle of dying and newly emerging life. The catalyst of this cycle is the soil, its nature determines a healthy environment.
EM is able to initiate a change at the base – the ground – to a more healthier and environmentally conscious life.
We hope to inspire many people with our vision “Green Canaria 2035”.