Our vision

EM Vision “Green Canaria 2035”


According to the Canary Islands Labor Office, 70% of the young people in the Canary Islands have no job, at the moment! Due to this development, many young people are leaving the islands towards the mainland or directly abroad.

With our vision “Green Canaria 2035” we want to set an impulse for the island.

Many farmers on Gran Canaria have stopped their vegetable production for a variety of reasons in the last 10-15 years. If you go across the island, with your eyes open, many unused or dilapidated greenhouses are found at many places.
When the soils are tested, it is noticeable that the soil life has been severely damaged or completely destroyed by the often unilateral use and in use of chemical fertilizers.

In order to maintain the status of Gran Canaria as a popular tourist destination in the future, it is also a good idea to consider new ways of tourism.
In our fast-moving time, e.g. the need of people more towards peace, relaxation, nature, hiking, healthy eating, conscious life etc.
If Gran Canaria is going to become and get a “new face” in this way and is already “laying the ground” for this growing trend, the island will continue to develop into a visitor magnet and in ecological awareness with La Gomera, El Hiero and La Palma.

With the vision “Green Canaria 2035”, we combine the idea of ​​motivating the owners of brownish greenhouses for ecological vegetable cultivation and rediscovering this market for themselves.
Greenhouses, which are still functional, need not be disintegrated, but they could be used again and again, so it is possible to make new income possible for so many people.
In Spain, EM is currently only used at the Almeria area, while in Germany, Austria and Switzerland EM is widely used in many areas and has become an important building block for regenerative environmental areas.
The trend in Germany also shows a constantly increasing demand for purely biological products.
A completely new economy could grow here on Gran Canaria, because of its excellent climate, the island is predestined to drive up to three harvests a year.
In addition, a possibility could be creating for the education of young people, the promotion of ecological agriculture and the improvement of environmental problems (landfill sites, sewage treatment plants) with the help of EM technology. Moreover, the use of EM has a positive effect on the climate in the long term.
If the greenhouses are replanted under using EM, the soils are thoroughly refurbished.
Human-animal-environment, we all live in a cycle and are dependent on one another. The future will show whether we as humans understand to what extent this cycle affects our living conditions.
For future generations, we want to initiate an impulse to the trend.